Code that can read any cube development.
import re
RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP = list(range(4))
DIRS = [(1,0), (0,1), (-1,0), (0,-1)]
SYMBOLS = ['>', 'v', '<', '^']
def readInput():
with open("input.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines = [line[:-1] for line in f.readlines()]
instructions = tuple(map(lambda x:x in 'RL' and x or int(x), re.findall('[0-9]+|[RL]', lines[-1])))
lines = lines[:-2]
height = len(lines)
width = 0
nbVisiblePoints = 0
for line in lines:
if len(line) > width:
width = len(line)
nbVisiblePoints += len(line) - line.count(' ')
sideLength = (nbVisiblePoints / 6.)**0.5
assert sideLength == int(sideLength)
sideLength = int(sideLength)
### Add some margin to go from position on cube in any direction without out of index error
lines = [width*" "] + lines + [width*" "]
for i in range(len(lines)):
lines[i] = " " + lines[i] + (width+1)*" "
width += 2
height += 2
return lines, instructions, width, height, sideLength
START_X = lines[START_Y].index('.')
# Part 1: gives the next position, None if obstacle
def nextPoint_part1(lines, dirIndex, x, y):
move = True
while move:
x = (x + DIRS[dirIndex][0]) % WIDTH
y = (y + DIRS[dirIndex][1]) % HEIGHT
if lines[y][x] == '#':
return None
move = (lines[y][x] == ' ')
return (x, y, dirIndex)
# For part 2: using cube with corners at coords (±1, ±1, ±1)
def rotateCube(corners, direction):
if direction == DOWN:
matrix = [[ 0,0,1],
[ 0,1,0],
elif direction == LEFT:
matrix = [[ 0,1,0],
[ 0,0,1]]
elif direction == UP:
matrix = [[0,0,-1],
[0,1, 0],
[1,0, 0]]
else: # RIGHT
matrix = [[0,-1,0],
[1, 0,0],
[0, 0,1]]
return tuple(tuple(sum(line[i]*pt[i] for i in range(3)) for line in matrix) for pt in corners)
def rotateCubeMultiple(directions):
corners = BASE_FACE
for direction in directions:
corners = rotateCube(corners, direction)
return corners
# Each oriented face is described with UP-LEFT and UP-RIGHT corners.
faceToCoord = {} # list of coordinates of each oriented face
coordToFace = {} # list of the faces at given coordinates, orientation is the map one
rotsAtCoord = {} # list of rotation to get the face from BASE_FACE
# compute and save into dictionaries described on previous lines
def saveCoordsFacesAndRotations(col, row, rotations=None):
if rotations is None:
rotations = []
face = rotateCubeMultiple(rotations)
for orientation in range(4):
orientatedFace = tuple((face[orientation:] + face[:orientation])[:2]) # UP-LEFT and UP-RIGHT corners
faceToCoord[orientatedFace] = (col, row, orientation%4)
rotsAtCoord[(col,row)] = rotations
coordToFace[(col,row)] = face
BASE_FACE = ((1,1,1),(1,1,-1),(1,-1,-1),(1,-1,1))
startCol = (START_X - 1) // SIDE_LENGTH
startRow = (START_Y - 1) // SIDE_LENGTH
saveCoordsFacesAndRotations(startCol, startRow)
# Breadth-first search algorithm (I think) to get all the described faces
coordsToProcess = [ (startCol, startRow) ]
while len(coordsToProcess) > 0:
col, row = coordsToProcess.pop()
for dirIndex in range(4):
nextCol = col + DIRS[dirIndex][0]
nextRow = row + DIRS[dirIndex][1]
if nextCol < 0 or nextRow < 0 or nextCol >= (WIDTH - 2) // SIDE_LENGTH or nextRow >= (HEIGHT - 2) // SIDE_LENGTH: # outside the input
xInTheMiddle, yInTheMiddle = nextCol*SIDE_LENGTH + SIDE_LENGTH//2, nextRow*SIDE_LENGTH + SIDE_LENGTH//2
if lines[yInTheMiddle][xInTheMiddle] == ' ': # no face information written there
if (nextCol, nextRow) in coordsToProcess or (nextCol, nextRow) in coordToFace: # alread processed
coordsToProcess.append((nextCol, nextRow))
rotations = [dirIndex] + rotsAtCoord[(col,row)] # must be done before the others, that's why we have to save the rotations for each face
saveCoordsFacesAndRotations(nextCol, nextRow, rotations)
EDGE_CONNECTIONS = {} # tunneling from one edge to another glued to it
# point where we are gluing the edge from
def startPointOfGlueEdge(col, row, dirIndex, gluedFrom=True):
glueDirIndex = (dirIndex + 1) % len(DIRS) # turn right
if gluedFrom:
offsetDir = glueDirIndex
offsetDir = (glueDirIndex - 1) % 4
offset = { RIGHT:(1, 1), DOWN:(SIDE_LENGTH, 1), LEFT:(SIDE_LENGTH, SIDE_LENGTH), UP:(1, SIDE_LENGTH) }[offsetDir]
x = SIDE_LENGTH * col + offset[0]
y = SIDE_LENGTH * row + offset[1]
return (x, y, glueDirIndex)
def glueEdges(col1, row1, dirIndex1, col2, row2, dirIndex2):
x1,y1,d1 = startPointOfGlueEdge(col1, row1, dirIndex1, gluedFrom=True)
x2,y2,d2 = startPointOfGlueEdge(col2, row2, dirIndex2, gluedFrom=False)
# glue each point of edge we glue from to the corresponding one on the other
for i in range(SIDE_LENGTH):
nx1, ny1 = x1 + i * DIRS[d1][0], y1 + i * DIRS[d1][1]
nx2, ny2 = x2 + i * DIRS[d2][0], y2 + i * DIRS[d2][1]
EDGE_CONNECTIONS[(nx1 + DIRS[dirIndex1][0], ny1 + DIRS[dirIndex1][1], dirIndex1)] = (nx2, ny2, dirIndex2)
### Let's glue the edges and fill EDGE_CONNECTIONS !
for col,row in coordToFace:
face = coordToFace[(col, row)]
for sideDirIndex in range(4): # glue each side of each face, even if we don't need to do already connected ones
orientedFace = (face+face)[sideDirIndex:sideDirIndex+2] # repeat the face to avoid doing complicated modulos
oppositeFace = tuple(reversed(orientedFace))
col2, row2, indexDir2 = faceToCoord[oppositeFace]
glueEdges(col, row, sideDirIndex, col2, row2, (indexDir2 + 2) % 4)
### And now it's so even easier to get from one edge to another than with part 1 !
def nextPoint_part2(lines, dirIndex, x, y):
x = (x + DIRS[dirIndex][0])
y = (y + DIRS[dirIndex][1])
if lines[y][x] == ' ':
x,y,dirIndex = EDGE_CONNECTIONS[(x,y,dirIndex)]
if lines[y][x] == '#':
return None
return (x,y, dirIndex)
def goStraight(lines, dirIndex, distance, x, y): # I tried for several years until I accepted myself
for _ in range(distance):
nextPt = nextPoint(lines, dirIndex, x, y)
if nextPt is None:
x, y, dirIndex = nextPt
lines[y] = lines[y][:x] + SYMBOLS[dirIndex] + lines[y][x+1:] # for visualization, doesn't change the obstacles '#'
return (x, y, dirIndex)
### Let's do that cubic walk
for part in [1, 2]:
dirIndex = RIGHT
# Let's override the function to get the right one
if part == 1:
nextPoint = nextPoint_part1
nextPoint = nextPoint_part2
# Follow the instructions
for instr in INSTRUCTIONS:
if instr in {'R', 'L'}:
if instr == 'R':
dirIndex = (dirIndex + 1) % len(DIRS)
elif instr == 'L':
dirIndex = (dirIndex - 1) % len(DIRS)
x, y, dirIndex = goStraight(lines, dirIndex, instr, x, y)
print("Answer part " + str(part) + ":", 1000*y + 4*x + dirIndex)